In Norway, Cornerstone plateform provides a very extensive choice of integrations and partners matching the needs of small and large organisations.
Integrations with norwegian services:
- Vipps - Mobile payment (one-time payment, recurring payment, user-info, and import of Vipps number reports)
- AvtaleGiro with digital signing of agreement - Recurring bank debit
- Strex SMS payments - One-time and recurring payments as well as automated processing of incoming messages
- InnbetalingTotal from Mastercard Payment Service - Fully automated capture of any bank transfer in the ISO 20021 XML format
- Dnb Innbetaling pluss - Fully automated capture of any bank transfer in the ISO 20021 XML format with the bank Dnb
- Ekopost - API-based automated postal sendings
- BankID authentication
By purchasing (Cornerstone) via a reseller in Norway, you can benefit from much more than a CRM. Our partners are specialists, and can provide different added value services on top of our technology.
- Kommunion (direct reseller)
- KNIF Regnskap reseller and accounting services
- Accountor Hamar reseller and accounting services
- OrgService reseller and full service organisation management
- Frontkom reseller, custom digital development, websites and communciation
Norwegian organisations
Norway has over 500 customers covering the needs of thousands of organisations with a strong customer group amongs Fundraising and Membership organisations, religious denominations and organisations, patient organisations as well as political parties.
For more info
The plateform is still branded as Cornerstone in Norway, you will find more information on